Explore the MSRC biblio using MeSH Terms

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MSRC has integrated the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus known as MeSH. It consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels of specificity.

The ever-growing suicide research bibliography includes a large number of papers tagged with MeSH terms in the National Institutes of Health's PubMed CentralĀ® repository. MSRC has now added the MeSH taxonomy to its Drupal website and integrated the correlation between terms and biblio records.

Users of the biblio can now see a tag cloud of most common MeSH terms, and use it as an alternative way to search the biblio. Unsurprisingly, the most common term is "Suicide, Attempted", but other terms in the top 100 include "Tryptophan Hydroxylase, "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales", "Time Factors" and "Mood Disorders".

Explore the MSRC biblio through MeSH terms for yourself





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